Pictorial tour of the Museum

The contents of the museum are constantly changing as we add new items or rotate the items we show (we have far more than we can display in the museum).

This page gives a tour of just some of the highlights the museum, in roughly the order in which the museum is laid out.  Follow links where given for more information, and click on the images for a larger version.  The entire museum collection can be searched here


At the entrance to the museum from the castle staircase to the battlements, on your left is Victorian post box. 


Next to the post box is a new cabinet containing exhibits related to the surgeon Sir Henry Thompson.

This is a new cabinet, partly paid for by a grant from Framlingham Town Council.

On your right is a bell from the ship the SS River Clyde, and  near the bell is a painting of the ship.  This was one of the ships involved in the WWI Dardanelles campaign. 

The photograph also shows some embroidered silk cards created by First World War soldiers as a means of sending an attractive note home to families.

In the photograph, the lower cabinet is shortly to be used for new exhibits. 


Continuing down the right hand side of the museum is a montage of information and illustrations of Framlingham men and women involved in WWI.


In the centre of the museum, opposite the WWI montage, is a display of some the WWII posessions of Bill Watling.

Nearby (not pictured) is a display of agricultural implements.


Just beyond are displays of other WWII items such as the Home Front items pictured here.

At this point there is also a display of memorabilia from the former Regal Cinema, which entertained Framlingham until 1963.

The clock from the cinema is in the museum, further down.


Beyond this are displays of educational items including ones pictured here.


And some leisure goods including smoking and drinking.

Also (not pictured) are some displays of pottery.


Further down, past a display of local pottery souvenirs on the right, is a display of “Then and Now” photographs. These are historic photographs of Framlingham, matched with recent photographs. A larger selection can be seen here.


In the centre, towards the end wall, is a funeral bier.

On the right (not pictured) is a display of the “Framlingham Weekly News“, published between 1859 and 1938.


There are a number of clocks in the museum, all made or assembled in Framlingham, or with a connection to Framlingham.


On the end wall is a small selection of the works of art held by the museum.


Turning to the left, and returning along the opposite wall, can be found a display of cobblers’ tools.

Note that Harold Lanman was an antiques dealer – his sign over the cobblers’ display is a little misleading.

Beyond are displays of local artisanal tools.

Just beyond, in centre of the museum, is a display about Harold Lanman, whose collection formed the original heart of this museum


Further along on the right, in the firelplace, is a privy – definitely not in use!


Beyond that is a display of items relating to the long-gone Framlingham Branch Railway.


After that are some items from the Framlingham Pageant of 1931.


And finally a display relating to Mary Tudor‘s accession to the Engligh throne.

Mary – soon to become Mary I of England – assembled her forces with her in Framlingham Castle before she was proclaimed Queen of England. The first document she wrote as Queen was written here, and a copy is on display.


For more information, follow the links on this page, or explore the links under the “What is in the Museum” menu. There is far more on show what we can present here, so come and visit the Museum!