Two books on Framlingham history are on sale through the Museum.

Framlingham a Tour Through Time
This book has been published by The Lanman Museum and contains over 150 images from the 1880s to the 1920s. They provide an illustrated walk around the town and are based on the John Self glass plate negatives which are held by the Lanman Museum. In addition, there are many coloured invoices from The James Breese Collection that relate to locations in the photographs.
£12 plus post and packing
A Suffolk Town In Wartime, Framlingham 1939 to 1945

This book has been published by John Bridges who is chairman of The Lanman Museum. It contains sixteen chapters covering many subjects including, Evacuees, The Invasion Threat, Home Guard, Air Raid Precautions, Fire, Police and Ambulance Services, The War Ag, Air Raids on the Town, the friendly American invasion and much more. The book has 152 A4 pages and over 160 images several of which are in colour.
£15 plus post and packing.
To purchase either of the books or for more information, please contact when details for payment will be provided.