Museum News

  • Museum accreditation

    We’re pleased to announce that after a long process (and much hard work) the Lanman Museum has renewed its Arts Council accreditation. The museum is recognised as up to full national standards, which is required for any grant application.

    See the accreditation certificate.

  • Framlingham Pageant 1931

    A new page has been added about the Framlingham Pageant of July 1931.

  • Clocks in the Lanman

    A new page has been added giving a pictorial tour of the clocks in the museum.

  • Books on Framlingham History

    Some books on Framlingham History can be purchased through the Museum. See Books.

  • Updated information on Harold Lanman

    We have updated the information on Harold Lanman, and on the history of the museum.

  • Visit to the Museum by the Framlingham History Society

    On Wednesday 16th August, the Lanman Museum hosted a visit by the Framlingham & District Local History & Preservation Society. The Society organises talks on subjects related to Framlingham History in the Winter half of the year, and visits in the Summer. Trustees and volunteers of the Museum gave a guided tour of the museum and talks into the background of many exhibits.

    The History Society originally ran the Lanman Museum until the latter was spun out as a separate charity.

  • QR codes for donations in the Museum

    The Lanman Museum is independent charity run by volunteers, and we rely on donations for the upkeep. In particular we need to raise funds for some new environmentally protected cabinets for our exhibits.

    Up to now, we have relied on cash donation in the Museum: our donations box is the old red Post box near the end door.

    However, we are now adding the capability to make donations by QR codes, which can be scanned on a phone. This can take you to a website where a donation can be made.

    For more information, or to make a donation, see Donations.

  • Stewards outing

    On Sunday 30th April, the Museum ran our annual outing for Stewards and volunteers. This year it was rather a busman’s holiday: a visit to Woodbridge Museum, so we could see how they do it. We were all envious of their spacious new premises!

  • The Museum even better than the Castle itself?

    From The Times today, Travel Section, an Article on visiting Suffolk by Sarah Baxter:

    “…walking around the well-preserved 12th-century Framlingham Castle walls (£12.50pp; English Heritage).  Mary Tudor was staying here when she heard she’d been proclaimed England’s first queen.  Impressive, though in some ways I preferred the village museum in the castle’s poorhouse, which records Framlingham’s more quotidian history.  Here there was a double-privy, allowing parent and child to defecate together (used until the 1950s) and an old newspaper revealing that, on this day 100 years ago, Earl Soham football club thrashed poor Laxfield United 6-0.”

    My emphasis, but who am I to disagree? From: “Beaches, birds and wine: sleepy Suffolk is the perfect place to chill”, The Times, Saturday 22nd April 2023.

  • Your Museum needs you!

    Would you like to volunteer for a couple of hours a week over the summer? If so, we’d love you to join us.

    The Lanman Museum, based in Framlingham Castle, is looking for Stewards to be in the Museum while lots of friendly and interesting visitors are looking at our displays. If you like meeting and greeting visitors and are interested in volunteering in a fantastic historical environment, we would love to welcome you on board. Full guidance will be provided on the various exhibits.

    Sessions are 11-1pm in the morning and 2-4pm in the afternoon, throughout June to September. Our Stewards sign up to sessions on a monthly, fortnightly or weekly basis, so you can do as many or as few sessions as you like, depending on what suits you best.

    If you are keen to get involved, please email