Updates to the Museum and website

We have been very busy in the museum this year. New exhibits on the Clyde Bell and Queen Mary have been put up and many of the cabinets have been refurbished. This refurbishment is an on-going process. We have recently received a fascinating collection of WW2 artefacts relating to the war time experience of a single individual, the Watling Collection.

From an administrative point of view the Museum is in the process of re-applying for Accreditation. This happens every five years, overseen by the Arts Council, and whilst it is a very time consuming exercise it allows the museum to apply for grants as and when they are available and ensures all policies and practises are in-line with those required.

We are pursuing discussions with English Heritage for access to the museum by local residents without a ticket to the Castle. Potentially it would allow local residents to participate more in the life of the museum.

This website has been considerably redesigned and expanded this year, and has articles on many aspects of the museum displays as well as allowing the collection to be searched, and we would recommend the Instagram feed to all.

As usual we are on the look out for more stewards to show the museum to visitors.